Note: Thumbnails contain only part of a whole image. The timings of older pictures may be inaccurate.
 | One-and-a-half-year-old at grandma's. Everyone keeps reminding me how cute I was as a baby. Like I didn't have enough problems with my looks. |
 | Innostuin kirjoittamisesta jo noin kolmivuotiaana. |
 | I slept all curled up as a little kid. |
 | I played tea party with my doll Marjukka. I can't remember anything like that myself and in fact, I've heard a rumor that the situation may be staged. |
 | At Linnanmäki in front of the Spooky Castle year 1998. I and the old witch - looking so alike, aren't we? I looked damn stout at the time. |
 | I posed with my brother all dressed up in front of our house just before leaving to Suvi's graduation party. (2002) |
 | In the train on the way from Kouvola to Kotka. (July 2002) |
 | The result of my first voluntary off-school cloth-making attempt. (2002) |
 | I tried on my everyday-looking seniors' day suit. (February 2003) |